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Gender equality is a global objective that aims to ensure that men and women have equal opportunities and rights in all their spheres of life.
In efforts to promote gender equality, one of the most significant initiatives is the certification of gender equality.
This certification not only recognizes the efforts of organizations to promote diversity and equality, but also serves as a catalyst for social and cultural change.

We, as a company, strongly believe in this and this is how, at the end of 2023, we managed to certify ourselves.
What prompted us to embark on a certification path of this kind?
• Certainly to improve the working environment by implementing policies and practices useful to create a fairer and more inclusive work environment. This not only leads to employee satisfaction and commitment, but increases employee productivity and creativity;
• Another aspect not to be underestimated was the ability to attract talented professionals looking for a work environment where opportunities are not influenced by gender;
• Being certified for gender equality gives you a competitive edge. Increasingly, diversity-aware organizations are more valued by individuals who value not only products and services, but also the social commitment and ethics of companies themselves.

These are just a few of the aspects thanks to which we have undertaken this path of certification. The process was demanding and thorough, but all the efforts made have been worth it.
In conclusion, we strongly believe that the certification of gender equality is a significant step towards the creation of a fairer and more inclusive world and the companies that engage in this path not only improve their reputation, but also help to promote socially positive change.